The 1stMOVER-Team
Dr. Ralf Lauterbach
Dr. Ralf Lauterbach is an entrepreneur, advisory board member, senior management consultant, speaker and discussion partner at many renowned events and, among other things, a jury member of the “Best-of-Mobile-Award” from 2013 - 2015.
Ralf Lauterbach is an experienced advisory board member, advisory board chairman, initiator and brand owner of the German Digital Advisory Boards. He sees his role as a moderator between shareholder tribes and management with the goal of achieving the best possible result for the company.
- Study of physics and doctorate in mechanical engineering
- First start-ups in the 90s
- Stations as CTO - at Versatel Internet Group and Vizzavi Ltd.
- Corporate Manager at the global Vodafone Group with leading positions in product development, innovation and technology
- Founder and long-standing managing partner of a Vodafone spin-off for the development of mobile applications for smartphones and tablets
- Founding partner and managing director of 1stMOVER Management GmbH
- Owner of Business Consulting Dr. Ralf Lauterbach, which combines technical expertise on digitalization with leadership issues, organizational design and change management
- Trademark owner and initiator of the Deutsche Digitale Beiräte
- +49 173 2874390
- Member of Deutsche Digitale Beiräte